Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Running and talking

I did once have an entire conversation about ultramarathons with a couple runners around mile 10 of a marathon (for the record, they were ultrarunners tapering with the marathon), but for the most part, I'm of the if-you're-talking-while-you're running-you're-not-training-hard-enough school of running. Granted, it's nice to be able to break up a 20 miler with a few words every so often with a fellow runner, but non-stop convo?

For one thing, talking on the run is the mobile equivalent of people blasting the volume on their iPods. For another, talkers inevitably run side-by-side, making it difficult to pass them. (Which means that people like me are forced to shove them out of the way. Which may or may not have happened in the last 100 meters of the Philadelphia Distance Run as three girls chatted their way to the finish.)

Just because your legs are running, doesn't mean your mouth has to.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! This reminds me of my 1st Corp Challenge, the ever so crowded Chase Corporate Challenge. I watched 2 co-workers run a steady pace and chat up a storm. Here I was, a running newbie, trying to pass them, only to tire myself out from the effort. We seesaw'ed past each other countless times and then eventually, I lost them in a crowd. Maybe they passed me and I never caught up to them again. Suffice it to say I was awestruck (how did they do that?) and the memory of it, over 10 yrs old, is etched in my mind. Although I was not a serious runner at the time, 2-3 charity races a yr, it resulted in one of my 1st running goals... Learn how to breathe and talk while running. So if I come up to you and start talking during a run, it's only because I achieved my first goal. :)
